deixei de sonhá-lo à minha medida. cheguei à dolorosa conclusão de que nunca assim poderá ser... à minha medida....
resignei-me a este mundo que me impuseram e, assim, (sobre)vivo, arrastando os pés vagarosamente, sem saber qual o caminho a tomar....
The whole sky's melting in grey rain above the city......
Everyone, with no exception, kept telling me it was too late...
But only now I can hear them...
Things aren´t so great unless you don´t want to.
I can´t really go on thinking,
Everything's wrong...
No one's gonna drive me home tonight.
I'm gonna pay attention to my dreams
And I'll scream all by myself whenever and wherever I want to.
No one's gonna drive me home tonight.
I feel like being alone.
That's it!
Nova versão dos The Cars...
I'm losing it.......
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